Tahitian Noni International
Noni International Day Proclamation
WHEREAS, TNI's promotion of health and wellness throughout
communities matches the mission of Green Cove Springs to successfully
promote and protect the health and safety of all its citizens
34th International Mobius Advertising Award
March 2005
A First Place Mobius Award is the highest commendation in
this well-known competition. Entries this year were received
from 34 countries around the world.
MarCom Creative Design Award
January 2005
MarCom Creative Awards is an international awards competition
that recognizes outstanding achivement by marketing and communications
100 Most Influential People
This month, Utah Business honors influential Utahns. We consulted
a community panel to determine a list of entrepreneurs, non-profit
leaders, artists, politicians, university presidents and others
who are working to create a robust economy and a better quality
of life for Utah.
Best Company to Work For
Utah Valley Business Q Magazine has recognized Tahitian Noni
International as the best company to work for in Utah Valley.
Top Fifteen Revenue Growth Company Utah 100
The Utah 100 Awards Luncheon and "Winner's Circle" Reception
are very exciting events; we look forward to seeing you there.
Welcome to the ranks of Utah's fastest growing companies.
Дипломы журнала Utah Business «100 лидеров в бизнесе»
2004 год
Дипломы журнала Utah Business «100 лидеров в бизнесе» Май,
2004 год Компании, включенные в наш ежегодный список, охватывают
весь спектр рынка. Эта группа компаний представляет различные
сферы бизнеса от технологий до гостиничного дела, питающие
экономический двигатель штата Юта.
Government of French Polynesia Award
Tahitian Noni International was presented with an award from
the French Polynesian government at an evening reception at
the United Nations.
Top 100 Private Companies 2003
May 2003
What breed of business grows during a statewide economic downturn?
This latest survey of Utah's top 100 privately owned companies
reveals hardy local enterprises that defy conventional expectations
and thrive in today's austere economic environment.
2004 года
- Компания
Tahitian Noni International получает специальную Премию Организации
Объединённых Наций.
Новостей и Обновлений